Solving TypeError: can’t use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall() in Python

TypeError: can’t use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall() is an error which occurs in Python with re.findall() when you are using a string regex.

In this article I am going to show you why this error is happening and how you can solve this error. I am also going to share with you other possible solutions which have worked for many developers who suffered from this error.

Describing TypeError: can’t use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall()

The problem happens when we use regex, which is a string on html which is bytes.
Python throws an error when you try to use a string regex on the encoded bytes.

The error message should look like the error in the example bellow.

Traceback (most recent call last):
    title = re.findall(pattern, html)
  File "C:\Python33\lib\", line 211, in findall
    return _compile(pattern, flags).findall(string)

TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object

Bellow I will present multiple solutions some have worked for me and others have worked for other developers.

Solution 1 : decode the bytes

First, we should understand that Python does not know how the bytes are encoded, so we need to decode them before using them.

html = html.decode('ISO-8859-1') 
var = re.findall(pattern, html) 

Now you can use the var in your code and the error should be gone.

Solution 2 : convert into a string

Another solution to the issue is to convert the html into a string using .decode and utf-8.

Just like in the example bellow.


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I hope this article helped you solve the error, If not, I hope the solutions presented here guided you at least in the right direction. Keep coding and cheers, see you in another article.

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