Solve – “pip install unroll”: “python egg_info” failed with error code 1 In Python

“pip install unroll”: “python egg_info” failed with error code 1 is a popular Python error which occurs when pip is not upgraded but not only for that reason.

In this article I am going to detail the root of this error and how to solve it, I am also going to present other solutions which worked for other developers.

Describing : “pip install unroll”: “python egg_info” failed with error code 1 In Python

This error is straight-forward and occurs when you try to install packages with pip.

For example we can try to install the unroll package with pip using the command bellow.

pip install unroll

This is the error we get

Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\MARKAN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-wa7uco0k\unroll\

Solution 1 : upgrade pip before you install the package

The first solution is to simply upgrade pip, you can do that with the command bellow

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Then try installing the package again, for example you can run this command

pip install unroll

Solution 2 : install setuptools before installing the package

First, let us start by installing setuptools.

If setuptools is installed, try upgrading it with –upgrade exactly like in the code bellow

pip install --upgrade setuptools

Now let us try installing the package again

pip install unroll

If the above does not work, let us check if the module ez_setup is installed, if you can not find it, just go ahead and try installing it with pip

pip install ez_setup

Now we should be able to install the package running the command

pip install unroll

This solution should work for you, if it does not work, you can try the possible solutions bellow.

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Solution 3 : use sudo for “install python-dev libpq-dev “

The error can also appear when you skip some steps while installing Python and other related packages.

You can run the command bellow to solve the problem

sudo apt-get install python-dev libpq-dev

Now go to your virtual env and install the package with pip.

Solution 4 : use pip install in the command prompt ( pip install in CMD )

Sometimes, this is a permissions problem, the solution in this case is to :

Run the command prompt as administrator

Then run pip in order to install your chosen package, just like in the line bellow

pip install unroll

I hope this solution has worked for you as this is the last solution in our article. Good luck.


This is the end of our post, I hope this has been helpful and helped you solve the error or at least pointed you in the right direction, Learning Python is a fun journey, keep coding and cheers.

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