Fixing Tensorflow AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘placeholder’

Tensorflow AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘placeholder’ is an error which occurs when your tensorflow installation has compatibility problems or when you have a faulty Tensorflow installation.

I will explain why this error is taking place and how to fix it, while also trying to add other solutions that could help us solve the problem.

Exploring Tensorflow AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘placeholder’

This is an error which occurs when your tensorflow installation has compatibility problems or when you have a faulty Tensorflow installation.

Please double check so you can avoid mixing between errors. The error message should look like the error message bellow.

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'placeholder'

Bellow I have a couple of methods that fixed the issue for me, I hope they do the same for you.

Solution 1 : remove tensorflow-gpu and all versions of Tensorflow then start with a fresh install

The first solution is for those of you who have installed tensorflow-gpu. If you do not have it, please skip to the next solution.

This is one of the most popular reasons why devs encounter this particular error, if you do not have a good GPU you do not want to install the GPU version of Tensorflow, since it is going to cause all sorts of problems and errors.

If you have a machine with a normal CPU. Just use the normal version of Tensorflow.

You can use conda to remove Tensorflow GPU, just like this.

conda remove tensorflow-gpu

You can add the following command to make sure you do not have any version of Tensorflow on your device.

conda remove tensorflow tensorflow-base

After removing all versions of Tensorflow, try to install Tensorflow again using the command bellow.

conda install tensorflow

I hope this was enough to solve the issue. If that was not the case please try the second method.

Solution 2 : disable Tensorflow v2 behavior

The second method to fix the issue is to disable Tensorflow v2 behavior.

To do that, please use

import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

Instead of using.

import tensorflow as tf

Now, you should add this line of code after importing Tensorflow.


I hope that disabling Tensorflow v2 behavior has fixed your issue.

I hope the two methods above fixed your problem, good luck with your next python projects and consider donating to our Kofi account.

Summing-up : 

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