Fixing pandas pickle ImportError: No module named ‘pandas.indexes’ in numpy and python

Pandas pickle ImportError: No module named ‘pandas.indexes’ in numpy and python is an error which occurs because of compatibility problems between pickle, pandas and python.

Today, I will explain in detail why this error is happening and how to fix it in the most efficient way possible.

Exploring the pandas pickle ImportError: No module named ‘pandas.indexes’ in numpy and python

This is an error which occurs because of compatibility problems between pickle, pandas and python.

Do not mix between errors. Make sure the error message looks like the error message bellow.

ImportError: No module named 'pandas.indexes'

In the section bellow we will explain the root of the error more and propose a possible fixe.

Solution 1 : Upgrade pandas

This problem famously happens for two reasons.

The first possibility is that you have created a pickled dataframe with a version of pandas and you are trying to open it with another version.

The second possibility is that you have created a pickle file with a version of python and you are trying to open it with another version.

In this method we will deal with the first possibility.

Let us assume that we have created a pickled dataframe using pandas 1.5, if we try to open it using pandas 1.4 for example, the error will take place.

You can quickly fix the problem by upgrading pandas with the command bellow

pip install --upgrade pandas

In python 3 you can use pip3 to upgrade pandas

pip3 install --upgrade pandas

Note that you can also do the same if you have anaconda, by using : conda upgrade pandas

Please try the second method I prepared for you if this method did not fix the issue.

Solution 2 : Replace the extension .pickle with .pkl when using pd.read_pickle.

We have already established the fact that when you create a pickle file with version 3.9 of python and you try to open it with version 2.9 or any other version other than the version it was created with you will end up with this error.

The solution is to replace the extension .pickle with .pkl when using pd.read_pickle.

So, please replace this line of code


with this line of code


Thank you for reading this article, I hope the second or the first method have solved your problem.

Summing-up : 

I hope this article has helped you solve the error : pandas pickle ImportError No module named pandas indexes in numpy and python , If you like our efforts, please consider donating to our Kofi account.

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