Fixing Django ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine in python

Django ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine in python is an error which occurs because of an issue with django and postgresql.

In today’s article I am going to present a set of possible solutions. In order to deal with a confusing error and explain why it takes place.

Exploring Django ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine in python

This is an error which occurs because of an issue with django and postgresql.

Please double check the error message in this blog post so you can avoid mixing between different python issues.

ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

I hope the solution bellow will help you solve the problem and get rid of the error for good.

The Method that fixed my issue : block new requests , use a different browser etc.

The error takes place for very different reasons related to django and postgresql.

The first reason is for those working with videos.

The error takes place when you make a request while the video is being uploaded to the database.

The solution is to block new requests while the video is being uploaded, you can do that using.


Another option is to simply upgrade Python to the latest version, you can do that by using the command bellow.

choco upgrade python -y

You should install Chocolatey on windows before you do this.

Another option is to to use another browser to open the server URL.

For example : You used to open the URL using chrome. Now, try Mozilla instead.

I hope the solutions have been helpful, I hope you solved the error already. Thank you for reaching the end of this post.

Summing-up : 

That’s it fellow developers, this is the end of this guide, I hope you found this useful in solving your particular issue, if you have the means and want to help, please support our work on our Kofi account.

Thank you for reading, keep coding and cheers. If you want to learn more about Python, please check out the Python Documentation :