Fixing SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1108) in Python SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1108) in Python is an error which occurs when discord cannot find the appropriate SSL certificate on your system.

Today, I will explain why this error takes place and how to fix it, while also presenting the steps in detail and adding other solutions that could solve the error.

Exploring the Error : SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1108) in Python

This is an error which occurs when discord cannot find the appropriate SSL certificate on your system.

Bellow is the error message, please make sure it is the right one.

certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1108)

I hope one of the solutions bellow will help you solve the problem and get rid of the error for good.

Solution 1 : Correctly Install Certificates.command

When discord or any other app cannot find the appropriate SSL certificate on your machine, the result is the error we are trying to solve at his very moment.

To solve the issue, navigate to your python folder and then double click Install Certificates.command. This will open the terminal then download the certificate files.

That is it, this is all you have to do, now check if the error still persists.

If it does, then you might want to try the method bellow.

Solution 2 : Manually install the intermediate CA in your ca store

Sometimes, the intermediate CA is not found in the certificate chain by the python library.

The current certificate chain that Discord is currently using is Cloudflare INC ECC CA-3 (Intermediate).


You should manually install the intermediate CA in your ca store, try this and see what happens.

Congratulations, if this helped you solve the issue. I still have one last method, bellow.

Solution 3 : Install the certificate directly from the discord app

You can also install the certificate directly from the discord app. Open chrome as admin.

Navigate to discord, then locate the lock symbol at the top right of the app, then click view

certificates and install a certificate. 

The method above should be enough to solve the problem. I hope the fixes above fixed your problem.

Thank you for reaching the end of this blog post.

Summing-up : 

I hope this article has helped you achieve your objective and solved the error : SSL CERTIFICATE VERIFY FAILED certificate verify failed unable to get local issuer certificate _ssl.c:1108 in Python , If you like the effort we did here, please consider donating to our Kofi account located at the top of this page.

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