Fixing AWS Lambda Error “Read-only file system” when downloading a file from S3

AWS Lambda Error “Read-only file system” when downloading a file from S3 is a very popular error which occurs a lot when you try write a file in AWS Lambda.

In this article I am going to show you why this error is happening and how you can solve this error. I am also going to share with you other possible solutions which have worked for many developers who suffered from this error.

Exploring the AWS Lambda Error “Read-only file system” when downloading a file from S3

This is a very popular error which occurs a lot when you try write a file in AWS Lambda.

Your error message should match the one bellow. We want to avoid confusion by not mixing between error messages.

IOError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: u'/mydoc.csv'

Bellow is a number of tested solutions that I have tried and that have worked for me.

How to get rid of the issue : use /tmp/ in AWS Lambda instead

If you try to write the file like this in AWS Lambda. You can read more about /tmp/ in the official AWS documentation.

bucket = event_record["s3"]["bucket"]["name"]
key = event_record["s3"]["object"]["key"]
filepath = '/' + key

You will certainly face the issue. you should use ‘/tmp/’.

The code above should be replaced with

bucket = event_record["s3"]["bucket"]["name"]
key = event_record["s3"]["object"]["key"]
filepath = '/tmp/' + key

This is the only solution that has worked for me since you can only write in /tmp/ in AWS Lambda.

The solutions above should be enough to solve the problem, if you like our effort make sure to consider donating to our Kofi account, there is a red button that you can use if you are feeling generous.

Summing-up : 

This is the end of our article, this error could be confusing but with a little bit of investigating the error could be solved easily by renaming your files, thank you for reading.

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